Raise Your Glass to Moldovan Excellence: Dive into Our Exclusive Wines – Order Your Favorites Today!
Globally Rooted, Locally Poured: Passionate Moldovans, Sharing the Essence of Our Homeland in Every Sip Abroad.
Moldovan Wine: Rich heritage, exceptional taste, a sip of cultural elegance and a harmonious blend of tradition, terroir, and unparalleled flavors.
The winery is situated 35 km from Moldovan capital city, Chisinau, and is equipped with the latest technology to produce the wines of the highest quality.
“Heritage Fine Wine” is about Moldova reinventing its approach to wine - focusing on quality, consistency and ‘joy-in-a-glass’ as its priorities.
Moldova boasts a rich wine history, dating back over 5,000 years, making it one of the world's oldest wine-producing regions.
The country is known for its indigenous grape varieties, including Fetească Albă, Fetească Neagră, Rara Neagră, Viorica, contributing to unique and flavorful wines.
Moldova is home to the world's largest wine cellar, Mileștii Mici, a vast underground network that stores millions of bottles of wine
Nestled in Eastern Europe, Moldova's diverse landscapes, from rolling hills to fertile plains, provide optimal conditions for grape cultivation and winemaking
For orders and inquiries, contact us to elevate your wine experience. Cheers to quality Moldovan wine delivered to your doorstep